Hi 👋, I'm

I am a MERN Stack Developer
and Passionate about learning new Technologies

About Me

My name is Venkatesan and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet. I'm a passionate Full Stack Developer, with strong administrative and communication skills, good attention to detail and the ability to write efficient code using MERN Stack.





HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React, Redux**,Material UI


NodeJS, Express, spring Boot**


SQL, FireBase, MongoDB**


Linux, Git, Github, Maven, Jenkins CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes**, Ansible**, Terraform**, Grafana**, AWS**

**I am Currently learning

Teaching Assistant at Nxtwave

→ There I helped 100+ students in clearing their doubts related to the web development.

→ Guided them during their entire course journey.

Chennai Institute of Technology

B.E , Computer Science and Engineering

Oct 2021 - May 2025

Tech Skills

My Recent Works

Following projects showcases my skills and experience through real-world examples of my work. Each project is briefly described with links to code repositories and live demos in it. It reflects my ability to work with different technologies, and manage projects effectively.

Edu Engineering

Design and developed an All in One Engineering Edu-Tech Platform for Anna University students

- Developed all the components of the Website Single-Handedly From Scratch
- Used Figma Mockups to implement UI-rich and pixel-perfect Components
- Implemented Firebase to Fetch User Detail and send to Firebase
- Optimized SEO, increased Lighthouse Score by 10%
- Connected Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Search Console

Todos Application

Developed persistent todo application with CRUD operations to track list of tasks

- Displayed list of todos with HTML list elements, styled todo list using CSS, Bootstrap
- Implemented todo crud operations by using JavaScript event listeners and updated UI dynamically by using JavaScript DOM operations.
- Used Arrays, Objects and their methods during todolist CRUD Operations, Persisted todo list state on page reloads using local storage methods.

VR Website

Developed a responsive website for VR products where user can see list of products, detailed information about a product and trending blogs, contact us info

- Designed page using HTML structure elements ,footer elements by using different bootstrap components to show different sections in the website.
- Implemented responsiveness by using Bootstrap grid system and flex classes and CSS box model properties through mobile-first approach.


My Services

UI/UX Design

UI/UX design is to constantly monitor data on product usability and find ways to improve existing products while using data to infer new product ideas. When you Need to create an app or website, also i will Test it based on your Requriments

Responsive Web design

Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user's behaviour and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation.

Customisable Layouts

Customisable sites are templates with set layouts. You may be able to change photos and colors, but your site will look similar to many other sites due to the template.I Make unique templates